Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Sustainable Tourism: Any form of tourism that does not reduce the availability of resources and does not inhibit future travelers from enjoying the same experience. If the presence of large numbers of tourists disturbs an animal's mating patterns so that there are fewer of that species in the future then that visit was not sustainable. Kayaking school on a free flowing river is an example of sustainable tourism. Big game hunting in Alaska is not.

Responsible Tourism: Tourism which operates in such a way as to minimize negative impacts on the environment. A wilderness camping trip using "Leave No Trace" ethics would be considered responsible tourism while dune buggy tours would not.

Nature-Based Tourism: A more generic term for any activity or travel experience with a focus on nature. Large jungle lodges fall into this category as do cruise ships to view penguins in Antarctica. These types of trips may or may not be environmentally sustainable or responsible. -

Green Tourism: Often used inter-changeably with eco-tourism and sustainable tourism but more accurately described as "any activity or facility operating in an environmentally friendly fashion". A lodge with composting toilets, gray water system, and solar powered lighting is probably "green". There are varying degrees of "greenness"; an awareness of where resources are coming from and where wastes are going is at the heart of the idea.

Ecotourism Guidelines For Responsible Travelers:

The conscious attitude, actions, participation and interactions on the part of the individual traveler directly affect the outcome for all involved. As a thoughtful and responsible traveler there are several things you can do before, during and after your journey to ensure the experience is in line with the values of "ecotourism" and minimize your impact on the host country. It is far easier to simply go on vacation as an uninformed tourist but making the choice to be an informed traveler can have far reaching impacts on the world around us. The more you put into your trip the more you'll get out of it. The following is a code of conduct for responsible travelers.

1) Prepare for your trip: Educate yourself about your destination. Be on the lookout for news and current events about the area. Learn about local history, customs and culture as well as vital ecosystems. Learn at least the basics of the local language. A simple hello, please or thank you goes a long way. Approach travel with the desire to learn rather than just observe.

2) Respect local traditions and etiquette: Wear clothing that is accepted by the local culture. Be aware of people's sensitivity to being photographed; always ask first. Observe local customs. Be perceptive of your own cultural values and how they affect your judgment of others. Remember that you are the visitor. There are many different concepts of time, personal space, communication etc. which are not wrong or inferior, just different. Act as an example for other travelers who are less informed than you.

3) Avoid ostentatious display of wealth: What may not seem a display of wealth to you may be considered extravagant by another culture. For example, a camera hanging around your neck or something as simple as a wristwatch or wedding band. Tuck these items away when visiting rural communities. Leave jewelry and other unnecessary valuables at home. They only create barriers and inhibit genuine interactions. Don't hand out sweets and loose change, this only serves to corrupt and create a begging mentality where none existed before.

4) Be flexible in your expectations: Approach your adventure with an open mind and you won't be disappointed. Sometimes plans change and an opportunity for more in-depth learning or a unique cultural experience presents itself. Adapt yourself to the situation rather than trying to adapt the situation to you.

5) Conserve resources: Often times the resources in an area visited by tourists are under a great deal of pressure already. Be aware of the resources that are being used because of your visit. This includes your personal consumption of items like water and wood for building fires or specialty foods that had to be transported from afar. Don't allow your guide to hunt endangered or threatened species or harvest rare plants for your consumption. A large luxury hotel in the middle of nowhere takes far more resources to build and maintain than does a small family run inn.

6) Practice environmental minimum impact: Follow the International Leave No Trace Rules. Pack out everything that you bring in including toilet paper (if there is no toilet) or plastic water bottles (use purification tablets or a filter). Go to the bathroom at least 200 feet (70 paces) from any water source. Remove litter that others left behind. Do not remove any objects, plants or animal products from nature. Be aware of local endangered or threatened species so as not to purchase souvenirs made from their skin, feathers etc. Not only is this impactful on the environment but it is illegal.

7) Choosing a tour operator or guide: Thoroughly research your tour operator or guide by asking them pointed questions about specifically what they do that is "eco" and how they involve the local communities and economies. The "greening of tourism" has led companies to promote themselves as "eco" simply to sell trips. The larger the company with more luxurious accommodations, the less likely it is to be true ecotourism. Be persistent in your inquiries of an international or local tour operator.

8) Support local economies: How will your visit directly benefit the local economy or entire community? This is an integral part of true ecotourism. Use local transportation, guides, inns, restaurants and markets. This helps create a buffer zone for the environment surrounding protected natural areas by giving locals an economic alternative to potentially destructive practices. Community based ecotourism spreads the wealth and workload.

9) Bridging cultural gaps: Take the opportunity to be a cultural ambassador. Much of the world's image of western tourists is based on the unrealities of television and magazines. Look for situations for cultural exchange whereby learning about each other's lives is mutual. Getting to know the person sitting next to you on a local bus or the person cooking your food takes some effort but is often a rewarding experience.

10) Continued ecotourism: Ecotourism doesn't need to end with your flight home. Follow through on your commitment to conservation in your everyday life. Share your experiences with others to foster a greater understanding of our world. You will have seen and learned much from your journey. While it is still fresh in your heart and mind take action using the various agencies, grassroots organizations and resources available to you.

Tourism is often described as the world’s “biggest industry” on the basis of its contribution to global GDP, the number of jobs it generates and the number of client it serves. The rate at which tourism continues to grow presents both opportunities and threats for biodiversity conservation.Over the past three decades, major losses of virtually every kind of natural habitat and the decline and extinction of species have occurred. Many of the ecosystems in decline provide attractions for tourism development. These include coastal and marine areas, coral reefs, mountains, and rainforests, which support a wide range of activities, including beach tourism, skiing, trekking, and wildlife viewing. Increased human activities, such as logging, clearing land for agriculture, hunting and gathering fuelwood, are degrading both protected areas and the land surrounding them. As a non-extractive activity, ecotourism offers a sustainable way of using these areas and an opportunity to promote sustainable social and economic development.In many fragile ecosystems, tourism has been growing and increasingly linked to the unique natural environments and biodiversity found in these areas. Maintaining an un-spoilt and attractive destination contributes greatly to visitor satisfaction, conserves the area’s biodiversity and contributes to the well being of local people. Ecotourism at CI
CI identified early in its history that ecotourism could form an important part of regional strategies to conserve biodiversity. In Africa, Latin America and Asia, CI and its partners have been leveraging tourism as part of larger conservation strategies for the past two decades. You can read more about CI's approach to ecotourism in the Ecotourism at CI section of this website. Other CI programs promoting the principles of ecotourism include the following: Center for Environmental Leadership in Business (CELB)
CI’s Center for Environmental Leadership in Business incorporates a Travel and Leisure program. The program supports companies to adopt sustainable business practices and destination management and encourages their investment in conservation. CELB has also engaged the International Council of Cruise Lines (ICCL) in dialogue to seek science-based solutions to wastewater management and other conservation challenges facing the cruise industry. To learn more about the Center for Environmental Leadership and Business, click on the link.Verde Ventures
Verde Ventures is a fund designed to strengthen small- and medium-sized enterprises that are strategically important to biodiversity conservation. The fund provides debt and equity financing to select businesses in CI’s priority areas. Verde Ventures has helped finance ecotourism projects including lodges and other ecotourism products that protect biodiversity and provide conservation-oriented employment for communities living near protected areas. To learn more about Verde Ventures, click on the link.Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF)
CEPF provides strategic assistance to nongovernmental organizations, community groups and other civil society partners. CEPF brings together indigenous communities with tourism businesses and/or nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) to provide capital and technical support

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